The following Covid-19 Management Plan has been put in place in keeping with the guildlines for safe practice from The Government of Ireland, the HSE and the HSA:

No person (student, teacher or parent) should come to the school if they or any members of their household are unwell with any o the following symtoms

  • a fever (high temperature - 37.5 degrees Celsius or above)
  • a cough - this can be any kind of cough, not just dry
  • shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
  • Loss or change in your sense of smell or taste. - see

KSM reserves the right to refuse students who pose a risk to the health and welfare of our teavhers and other students.

Physical Distancing, hand hygiene and good respiratory etiquette must be obseved by all in reception and in classrooms.

The reception area needs to be kept as empty as possible to limit time and proximity between people.

We continue to ask parents to avoid entry to the school unless making a payment at reception. 

Hand sanitizer is available in all areas of the school. 

Sop and warm water are available in the toilet. 

Sanitizing surface wipes are available in each room. 

Regular sanitizing is being carried out by staff. 

Doors and windows are to be kept open where possible to allow for ventilation.

Entrance A and B system still in place. One way system operating where possible.

We appreciate in advance your adherance to these guildlines and endevour to keep all students and staff of the Kerry School of Music as safe as possible during this time.

Covid Statement